The Time Has Come To Restore Individual Sovereignty World Wide!!

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“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.”


“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”  – Aldous Huxley

The entire world has been deceived at a level never before seen in history.

Government and media are the primary tools of this deception. 

The information on this website is the antidote

The world will be made free ONLY when it seeks, knows, accepts, and ACTS on the truth.

“History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

“The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in.”

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”

George Orwell

“This concern with the basic condition of freedom — the absence of physical constraint — is unquestionably necessary, but is not all that is necessary. It is perfectly possible for a man to be out of prison and yet not free — to be under no physical constraint and yet to be a psychological captive, compelled to think, feel and act as the representatives of the national State, or of some private interest within the nation, want him to think, feel and act.”

Aldous Huxley

Orwell or Huxley?  Who was more accurate in their vision of the future?

Here now, we find ourselves in the year 2020, suddenly living in a dystopian world that is a very eerie mixture of George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.”   The primary difference between the two societies portrayed is the attitude of the masses and the method of control imposed by the ruling class.  Orwell envisioned a world in which the people would be controlled by fear and an oppressive government that restricted access to, manipulated and even deleted information to preempt any uprisings or revolution should the “proles” realize the truth of their manufactured and oppressive reality.  Brutal force would be imposed on anyone who stepped out of line. 

Huxley, on the other hand, envisioned a world in which people were so distracted by trivial entertainment, drugs, sex, and folly that they wouldn’t care about what was being done to them.  But, their lives would have virtually no meaning other than to serve the Alpha class.  It would still be a form of mental slavery.  They would “enjoy” this enslavement and attack anyone who would try to disrupt the status quo.  Both authors were Fabian Socialist Society members, which is historically the institution underlying the promotion and ideology of the system driving global politics today.  INGSOC, the Party’s official designation in Orwell’s world was short for English Socialism, otherwise known as Fabian Socialism; the precursor and foundation of both Communism and, now, Communitarianism.  I argue that we’re already living in a combination of both dystopian premonitions.

If nothing is done soon, the future of humanity is bleaker than both of these novels combined because neither author could imagine the technology of the future (and now available to the technocracy currently running the world) back in the 1930s and 1940s.   The reason we are here is because of the complete disconnect with objective truth and reality by the majority of the public, world wide.  And primarily because of ignorance, fear, and apathy.  The cause of this is three fold as our education systems, main stream media, and governments have ALL been hijacked and perverted from their primary and initial intentions of teaching, informing and protecting.  On the contrary, the public is now indoctrinated, deceived, and attacked by these three widely “trusted” institutions.  It is time for the people of the world to awaken, arise and reclaim our true sovereignty and POWER back from those whom have made the conscious and willful effort to usurp it!


“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

                                        – Søren Kierkegaard


How do you know what you know?

Why do you believe what you believe?

Are your sources of information trustworthy? 

How do you know for certain?

Are your beliefs beneficial or harmful to your life?

What if most of what you believed was false?!

What if those you trusted  have ulterior motives?

Have you and are you willing to challenge your beliefs?

More importantly, are you willing to CHANGE your beliefs?

False “knowledge” is one of the most pernicious cancers in society.  Most believe they “know” the truth when what they believe has merely been programmed into their mind and they have not been taught the ability to discern fact from fiction.  This results in the decline and ultimately destruction of civilization.  It always has and always will.  We have the opportunity to change the course of our future, but time is of the essence…

The following promotion video was created in February of 2022 & asks more vital critical thinking questions, most importantly… 

“What Is Freedom?”

The Fake Pandemic exposed

The world is in the grips of perhaps the most sinister hoax ever enacted upon humanity. The questions raised are ignored and swept aside. Any challenges to the current dogma are censored. But, the TRUTH will make us free.

We have been warned about this agenda for decades

Many brilliant researchers, writers, and speakers have been exposing this agenda for just as long. Their voices have been pushed to the fringes of society, but their warnings are more prescient today than ever.

the perpetual enemies of humanity

Everyone wants to blame and point the finger at those in opposing political camps for all the world's problems, but the REAL enemies are well hidden behind the façade of politics; unelected, and unaccountable for their actions.

The Plan to free humanity

The solutions are self-evident to all those who have spent years of their lives researching, seeking, and revealing the truth about our situation. The path forward will require the effort of millions around the world, but it can be done.

Terrain theory v. germ theory

Pasteur v. Béchamp. Who was right? The science is now showing that the world has been deceived for nearly 2 centuries by a wicked and criminal agenda created and perpetuated by supposed "philanthropists."

"The Great reset" & the 50 year plan for human enslavement

There has been an agenda in place for over a century to bring down America. The first 50 years and over two world wars the plans were devised. The past 50, they have been phased in. It must be exposed and destroyed.

critical thinking is crucial

Most people today have no idea that the Western education system was purposely changed over 170 years ago to specifically dumb down society. The tools to reverse that are available and easy to learn.

How can You help?

Every individual has a part to play in what Huxley referred to as "the final rEVOLution." Learning & sharing consciousness expanding information is key & helping to fund the efforts is also helpful to those leading the movement.

How The Mind Can Enslave

The Consequences of Not Learning HOW to Think

How do you really know what you know?  Have you ever truly questioned your beliefs?  Do you just believe what you’ve always been told because you don’t want to rock the boat or perhaps admit that you’ve been fooled?  Have you ever questioned why you believe certain things?  Does your ‘knowledge’ come from ‘experts’ or ‘authority figures’ or does it come from personal effort to research, question, challenge, and seek the truth? 

Most people today only think they know the truth when, in reality, many of their beliefs have been formed by forces they have very little idea even exist.  Government, education, AND media have all been hijacked over the past 170 years and we now live in a world based on false information, rigged “science” and manufactured “reality.”  The majority of people have no idea now much they don’t know.

When we act on information NOT based in objective truth or Natural Law, we all pay the consequences of that bad information.  When an individual does it, the consequences are borne personally, however, when a majority of the population believes in false information, history shows that the results can be catastrophic; and the entire SOCIETY suffers.  We are currently in that exact situation in the world right now, half way through 2020.

Though our chains may be invisible and our freedom only an illusion, humanity is enslaved at a level it has never experienced before in history.  This is not to take anything away from those who’ve lived intolerable lives of servitude and misery at the hands of slave owners in the past and even presently, but modern slavery takes many forms.  While many enslave the body and use physical force against someone’s will, mental slavery can be even more dangerous as it has the ability to deceive entire nations into acting against their best interests.

This state of false reality created specifically to enslave us does not have to remain permanent.  We have the capability to free ourselves from this situation, but we MUST take action to learn, teach others, and RESIST!  We can remake the world in our image and it can be done peacefully!  But, first, we must regain full control of our minds and use them as they were designed to be used; for thinking critically and solving complex problems.  That is the first step towards a life and world of complete freedom and the way were created and intended to live.

Society is broken
How many times must we be warned?

“If a nation expects to be ignorant & free, in a state of civilisation, it expects what never was  and never will be.”  

  • Thomas Jefferson, January 6, 1816

In this extract from a letter to Charles Yancey, one of the preeminent founding members of the American nation wrote of the importance of an educated and informed public to remain safe from the encroachments of an overzealous government.  What we have become in the past 204 years would make him completely ashamed of what this society has become.   He continued,

“…the functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe.”

Cut to 2020.  We are not safe.  We’re not even CLOSE to safe.  Our liberty and property have been usurped at the will of the government to do as they choose.  Our freedom is a mere illusion and without a radical change in attitude of the American people, it will be lost forever.  The ‘press’ is NOT free. They are captured and they only repeat what they are told to report by their corporate masters.  The same corporate masters that own the government ‘functionaries’ that have sworn to serve the people.  NOTHING is working the way it was created to work and humanity is at a vitally important crossroads in history.

The time has come for the second American Revolution and what Aldous Huxley referred to as “the final revolution.”  It is us or them.  We outnumber them by a factor of tens of thousands to one.  What are we afraid of?  If we ever hope to be free again, the time has come to reclaim our rights, our sovereignty, our world and our future.  There is no time to waste and there is no turning back.  There is no “old normal” and the “new normal” is a dystopian nightmare.  We can create a natural normal that allows the planet and humanity to heal.  The enemy has planned for our enslavement for decades and generations.  The rEVOLution is now or it will be never…