A Crash Course In Critical Thinking

One of the primary reasons that the criminal ruling class is able to get away with the crimes that they do against humanity is the fact they also purposely removed the teaching of critical thinking skills from the curriculum pretty much world wide over the past 100-150 years. It was done for the express purpose of dumbing down the masses so that they wouldn’t revolt against their rights being taken away and Charlotte Iserbyt meticulously documented how it was done in her 700+ page magnum opus, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America,” published in 1999.

Without these skills, people are unable to discern truth from fiction and blindly put their faith and trust into “authority figures” they only believe are telling them the truth. This is a very dangerous paradigm in which to live because once you get a great majority of people who believe in information that is contrary to their best interests, they have set themselves up in a situation to be completely taken advantage. And they’ll never know that they were completely fooled the entire time.

Critical thinking is the primary key to discerning truth in our world. It is a skill that needs to be learned by everyone if we ever hope to turn the tide against the enemies who wish to control our lives. Without thinking critically about what we’re being told and what we all need to do for “the greater good.” we will be led to our demise and a world devoid of any freedom, whatsoever. That is the ultimate plan of the ruling criminal class.

The good news is, the basics of critical thinking are actually very easy to understand. The basics can be learned very quickly and implemented immediately. Once one understands the basics, they can then delve deeper into learning more in depth about the separate parts of the formula, but the basic equation can be understood very easily and used on a daily basis once learned.

This page will highlight how the education system and media were taken over and literally weaponized to be used as tools of enslavement, not the paths to a free society in which they were intended to an avenue for every individual. They have purposely been perverted from their original and widely believed intents to educate and inform the masses about the truths of this world. Once we understand this, we can begin to alter our perceptions of the world and come more into alignment with the Natural Laws that are truly the ultimate authority over our reality. And, once our perceptions change and begin to align with objective truth as opposed to subjective opinions and propaganda, we can seek the self-evident solutions to the problems of humanity and our home here on earth!

How The American Education System Was Hijacked

Click Image for Full Blog Post

Two and a half months into the “pandemic,” those of us who were fully aware of the nature of the psychological operation being unleashed on the world were shocked at how fast people submitted, complied, and did so with virtually NO challenge or questions as to the status quo.  Those who have been awakened for years easily saw it for what it was.  But, how can so many be so deceived?

The answers to that question will be revealed on this page.  The origins of the takeover of “education” are revealed in detail as well as the purpose and sinister endgame behind the restructuring of the American ‘schooling’ system.  But, that is just the groundwork for what this page is truly all about. And that is to instill in the reader the very critical thinking skills that were removed from the curriculum in the mid 19th century by design.  It is only in restoring the tools necessary to discern fact from fiction that we will only be able to not only reclaim individual sovereignty, but build a new society based in personal responsibility and the necessary and consistent quest for knowledge!

Those who want to enslave us (and have for centuries) do not want the masses to understand this information because the only true power they have over the masses is their ignorance of the system in which they live, their literal inability to think of a way out and the FEAR that in infused to culture and society on a daily basis.  We can do so much better than to accept this as our reality and destiny.  All we have to do is CHANGE OUR MINDS!

By learning and developing what Dorothy Sayers referred to in a speech given at Oxford University in 1947 as “The Lost Tools of Learning,” we can break free from our mental enslavement.  This is the first step in reclaiming our individual sovereignty and beginning the realization of our true destiny on Earth.

This short, 4 page summation of the American public schooling model is one of the best I’ve ever seen online and thus, a great primer for what this page is all about.  It begins with a quote from Aristotle that instructs that to truly understand anything, we must look at its origins and progression to where it is currently.  So, to truly understand how the American (and Western world) people and society became so unable to think critically, we absolutely MUST understand how we got here.  The history is fascinating, but enlightening and once understood, it sparks the innate curiosity and desire to learn what has been kept hidden from our our entire lives.

Things could have turned out drastically different had people of ill will towards humanity not taken the reins of power and sought to purposely dumb down the populations BY DESIGN!  The good news is, undoing the damage is an actually relatively easy process once the tools of learning are understood and applied.  We can begin to see how deeply we have been deceived and that, too, inspires us to take action to help others break free of their conditioning.  This is what it is going to take to make the world a better place for us all to live our lives.

This presentation is titled, “Transformational Education – Preparing Our Children for Global Citizenship” and was given by Michael Chapman of Ed Watch and American Heritage Research at The Summit at Camp Davis in Falmouth, Maine, in February 2004. It is part 3 of a series exposing the United Nations Agenda 21 plan for the destruction of national sovereignty and initiation of global governance by a central, unelected and unaccountable power. The series is called, “America’s Choice: Liberty or Sustainable Development.”

The information covered in this meticulously detailed video is beyond shocking to anyone who hasn’t studied UN Agenda 21 or the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. It’s no wonder looking back at the warning that society has become what it has today in 2020.  The glorification of socialism and the evisceration of individual rights has literally been indoctrinated into the children of this nation for decades.  Below the video is a 2 page summary of the goals of what Michael calls “Education for Sustainable Tyranny.” It is vital that as many people learn, understand and SHARE this information with as many people as possible to stop this agenda in its tracks.

The two people highlighted in this section and the next are probably the two most important researchers on the subject of the compulsory American (government) public schooling system and the incredible amount of damage it has done to our nation and culture.  I first heard about John Taylor Gatto in 2008 when he was interviewed on a podcast I was listening to daily at the time.  I was immediately intrigued at what he had to say about our education system and began to consume as much information from him that I could find online.  Over the next few years, I developed a much greater understanding of how American society had fallen so far from the intentions of our Founding Fathers by the subjugation of our education system.

This 5 hour conversation titled, “The Ultimate History Lesson,” created by Richard Grove for his Tragedy & Hope website and Peace Revolution podcast is perhaps the most important and information rich history of the American education system ever compiled.  I have watched it twice and am about to go through the series again.  This information is vital to understanding not only why society is so easily manipulated and submissive to illegitimate authority, but helps one understand what we’re truly dealing with in 2020 and moving forward.  This needs to be known by as many people as possible for the solutions to our problems to become self-evident to the critical mass required for REAL change in our world.

Charlotte Iserbyt is by far the most famous whistleblower in history on the compulsory government school system in American history.  She served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration.  Horrified by what she had discovered in her time there, she left and has spent the remainder of her life dedicated to documenting and exposing how educational systems throughout the world have been, gradually and by design, homogenized into becoming engines of social engineering for the purposes of social control and management. 

The three interviews below were recorded over a span of 14 years and are progressively more indepth as you move from right to left, chronologically.  The first on the left was filmed in 1999 and the remaining two in 2013 and 2012, respectively.  They are all incredibly important interviews in understanding how our “education” systems were hijacked world wide and what can be done to remedy our situation.  Below the videos is a PDF copy of her book, “the deliberate dumbing down of america,” which is a comprehensive history and paper trail of the destruction of our education system.  

As Charlotte states, the guiding principles of this system are to psychosocially engineer people so they’ll be made easily manageable, dumbed down and superficial, unimaginative, conformist and spiritless, indifferent and dehumanized, psychologically dependent on the social, highly suggestible, incapable of free thinking and original ideas. People that will easily conform and adjust to things as they are (i.e., to a fixed, pre-determined social order), rather than exercising self-determination and taking self-directed initiative.  Education can either create adults, or manageable, perpetual children—the social engineers went, of course, for the second.

Length: 13:13

Length: 1:13:24

Length: 2:11:44

This book is instrumental in understanding just how the American schooling system was taken over.  As the subtitle of the book proclaims, “The Systematic Destruction of American Education,” was the key all along by those who sought to engineer society in a way the benefited not the individual, but the very wealthiest of the nation.  By introducing the behavioral psychology aspect of human nature, the system was redefined by John Dewey to the reprogramming of the brains and nervous systems of developing minds to eventually create in America, the “ideal socialist state.” 

As you have already learned in the “warnings” page of this website, this transformation was funded by the monopoly capitalist robber barons of the day; most specifically, John D. Rockefeller, in what was essentially a hostile takeover of the educational system to create a submissive, unthinking and obedient worker class.  If you look around today at the percentage of society in face diapers who have fallen for the greatest scam of the century, you’ll quickly realize just how successful they have been in their goals.

Restoring Critical Thinking in Captured Populations

Now that you fully understand the predicament in which we find ourselves and the massive obstacle we must overcome moving forward, I’m sure everyone is wondering, “great, so now what do we do?!  How do we actually FIX this!?”  And, again, I learned long ago not to expose problems to anyone without also being able to offer the solutions.  Below the individual will find the solutions to our education woes.

After approximately 3 years of deep research, digging around in every rabbit hole into which I could possibly dive, I began to look for solutions myself.  This is a natural human progression.  It took a good 3 years to fully understand the BIG PICTURE and to realize the magnitude of the trap in which the world was ensnared.  It was roughly around  2009 that I became aware of critical thinking and that there were actual skills one could develop to better discern truth from fiction!  All these years and I had NEVER been taught!  

I happened to come across a podcast that was instrumental in my self-education and path to enlightenment.  The podcast was called “School Sucks” and I listened to it for about 3 years, going over many episodes more than once.   I also learned about the Trivium method of learning and began to invest a great amount of time in delving deeper into that subject as well.  The three videos below are KEY to anyone who truly wants to unlock their minds and be able to see the world from a perspective they most likely never have in their entire life before!   This is the kind of information that can not only save humanity from our planned doom and enslavement, but unleash us into an entirely new and exciting future of unlimited potential and abundance!

Just below this curriculum which I used to educate myself are the series of videos I created in 2022-23 for my YouTube channel, Kaizen and The Pursuit of Truth . In these series of “Foundational Videos” for the channel, I teach what the meaning of Kaizen is and how it’s impacted my life, and then go through what I discovered to learn the skills to finally begin to think critically about everything.  It’s a powerful education that everyone should take the time to learn because it can only serve to improve the individual as well as our world!

The Trivium Part 1: Introduction & Grammar
(Trivium Method Summary PDF below.)

If the PodOmatic streaming file above doesn’t play, please use this self-hosted file to listen to this priceless content! 
If the PodOmatic streaming file above doesn’t play, please use this self-hosted file to listen to this priceless content! 

The Trivium Part 2: Grammar & Logic  (Gene Odening Trivium & Quadrivium Cliff Notes PDF below.)

The Trivium Part 3: Grammar & Logic (FULL Trivium Study Guide PDF by Tony Myers below.)

If the PodOmatic streaming file above doesn’t play, please use this self-hosted file to listen to this priceless content! 

When first learning of the Trivium and delving into acquiring these “Lost Tools of Learning,” one invariably comes across this speech given by a famous mystery writer, Dorothy Sayers.  It is a speech given in 1947 at Oxford University (and partially read by Brett Veinotte in Part 1 of the Trivium lessons above) and has become quite famous over the years for pointing out the glaring problem with Western education. 

What we have lost is a guide to help in the proper use and understanding of the tools of learning.  Over the generations of social engineering and as we have seen, concerted efforts to dumb down the population, we have been taught WHAT to think rather than HOW to think.  What the Trivium is, is an “order” of learning, an “unfoldment” of the natural processes of thinking which evolves naturally with learning.

These natural processes, independent of age, follow a well described path. While Sayers lists natural age ranges for each of the three stages, given that for most of us that ship has long sailed, it is relevant to understand the need to focus on the natural stages of development, regardless of age.  In understanding the process of the language arts, we can better learn to communicate more effectively as well as understand others’ points of view and engage in respectful debate as opposed to heated exchanges.  Should our education system be reconstructed on the teaching of the language and scientific arts, we would have a nation of genius level people within a generation or two.  That would secure freedom for all well into the future as the ideas of liberty, personal responsibility and self-respect would dominate culture.

The top document to the right is an abridged version of the speech and the bottom file is the full text.

“Foundational Video Series” from my YouTube Channel

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December 1, 2022 9:05 am

This content is going to be the foundation of our offspring’s next stage of unschooling! Thank you from my mind, body and Soul for the Insight and Effort to gather, discern and display these Nuggets of Wisdom. With Light, Laughter and a little Happy Dance, Cheshire Cath

May 19, 2024 7:29 am

In the ‘true’ new world, the one where everyone with the ability to do so ‘thinks before they act’, the words by Jimi Hendrix “When the power of love replaces the love of power, the world will know peace.” will be a reality.
Your message here addresses that to a T !
Thank you so much . . .